Products & Services
Products & Services - Coverages

As an experienced player within the insurance industry, we know things can change quickly and unexpectedly. We understand the difficulties our clients face, and we are here to create the necessary coverages to help our clients get through them.
Our underwriting, claims and operations team consists of professionals with backgrounds in tech, gaming, coding, game development and the blockchain industry. Having a team with diverse expertise enables us to offer insurance solutions that are second to none in the gaming industry. Our expertise and global-market access ensures that we are able to offer the customized products individuals and businesses require so that they may have the necessary protection for their specific needs.
Coverage for Institutions & Businesses
- Data Breach
- Errors and Omissions Insurance
- Business Income for Electronic Vandalism
- Fraudulent Transfer
- Contractual Liability
- General Liability Insurance
Coverage for Individuals
- Data Breach
- Fraudulent Transfer
- Gaming losses